Clients by Design helps freelancers get steady, high-paying clients with a simple system, no cold pitching, or social media.
Clients by Design provides a simple system to attract high-paying, dream clients without cold pitching or using social media.
This mini-course teaches you how to create a word-of-mouth referral system in just 1.5 hours.
You’ll spend only 15 minutes a day managing leads with proven email scripts and a 7-step sales call formula.
It’s designed for creative service providers seeking a steady stream of quality clients and more consistent income.
You’ll learn three main strategies: generating leads, building a sales pipeline, and nailing sales calls.
The $10k action plan challenges you to bring in significant income by following daily steps.
Clients by Design equips freelancers with confidence, organization, and a proven framework to achieve sustainable success.
This course is for freelancers like designers, writers, and creatives who want steady clients without cold pitching or social media.