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E-commerce Checklist

The E-commerce Checklist is a tool with 300+ tips to boost your online store’s sales and efficiency quickly.

If you have a web store that makes six to seven figures, you may be missing out on money.
My E-commerce Checklist is a great way to make your store run better.

This complete E-commerce Checklist has more than 300 important things to check.
It helps you carefully look at every part of your store, from how customers check out to how your product pages work on mobile devices.
The guide shows changes that can be made right away to boost conversion rates and raise the average order value.

This guide is based on 15 years of experience in conversion design and gives you a useful, results-oriented way to do things.
It’s meant to help you find the most important things to change and make those changes with little work.

This content is for members only.

This course is for anyone running a successful online store who wants to increase sales and fix common conversion issues.

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