Getting a Front-End Developer Job

Unlock the path to becoming a proficient front-end developer and adopt the employer’s perspective with Jerome’s expert guidance.
This course propels you towards securing that coveted front-end developer role, equipping you with the skills needed to stand out.

Discover the three key hiring users – automated systems, HR representatives, and technical developers – and tailor your application to each.
Gain fluency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, building a strong foundation to impress interviewers and future employers.
Acquire an edge with design systems, web accessibility, serverless tech, and APIs – the tools that accelerate a junior front-end engineer’s career.
Learn to craft compelling introductory pitches with keywords, aligning your education, experience, and volunteering seamlessly for maximum impact.
Elevate your GitHub profile with professional tips and build a portfolio that showcases your personality and expertise, while also learning the art of self-promotion.

This content is for members only.
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