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QR Code Magic

QR Code Magic puts special codes in books or items to boost sales and send buyers to cool stuff fast.

Drop QR Code Magic into your low-content books or printables. Sales climb fast.
Buyers see richer value—not just blank pages—so you charge more. Competitors? Flat-footed. Better still, it opens sneaky cash streams.

These codes snag emails from buyers, nudge your other goods, or pitch affiliate deals.
Works for Amazon books or mugs too. A scan whisks phones to your shop, sign-up link, or clever extras—smooth and quick.

You’ll learn to whip up codes free with dead-simple tools. Copy, paste, click—no tech fuss.
The guide spills where to grab bonus bits customers crave, juicing up your stuff effortlessly.

It’s a 36-page gem, crisp and potent. By the end, you’re set to rule publishing or Etsy. More coins, thrilled buyers, and a sly edge—all from this neat bundle.

This content is for members only.

This book is for folks selling KDP books or Etsy stuff who want more sales and happy buyers fast.

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