The Show and Tell Funnel

Learn the powerful system the we use to get Digital Marketing clients using cold email reach outs (using 2 very special emails and webpage template).
While most people who try to get clients with cold emails are struggling to even get people to open their emails… I’m connecting with business owners and closing clients every single week.

You will learn:

Exactly how I’m deciding on who to send my 10 emails to each week.
Exactly what I write in the emails that I send to each of these business owners.
The exact examples that I send of my work that help me get these cold prospects interested in what I can do for them.
The cool little tool that I use to track opens of my special emails that trigger me to follow up with those business owners in a special way.
The step-by-step system that I use to follow up with the 10 folks that I email each week that skyrockets my conversions on these emails.

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