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Science-based Playbook of SaaS Optimization
UX Storytelling Toolkit

Science-based Playbook of SaaS Optimization

The Science-based Playbook of SaaS Optimization is your go-to guide for enhancing SaaS marketing strategies using the latest research.
This playbook provides 62 actionable tips derived from extensive scientific studies, all distilled into a concise 47-page document.

You’ll learn how to transform your homepage traffic into more trials, boost conversions from free plans, and minimize churn.
It offers practical advice on designing CTA buttons, creating effective pricing plans, and setting up optimal free trials, all based on rigorous research.

This book turns complex scientific findings into easy-to-follow recommendations that you can apply right away.
It helps you make informed decisions, avoiding the guesswork and opinions that often cloud SaaS marketing efforts.
This playbook ensures that your marketing decisions are backed by solid science, leading to better results and more effective SaaS operations.

This content is for members only.

For SaaS marketers and product managers, whether they’re launching new products or refining existing ones.

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